- FAQ(Details)
- High Lark 18
2017.11.25Are the Rod Holders of all Lark-series products compatible with the Rod Holders (boat side base-mounting type) of Lark 900, 1700, 1800, 2000, 2200, and 2500?
The Rod Holders of the Chibi Lark, the Chibi Lark Long, the Chibi Lark Super Long, the Chibi Lark Type S, the Chibi Lark Long Type S, and the Chibi Lark GB are compatible with the Rod Holders of Lark 900.
The Rod Holder of the Light Lark is compatible with the Rod Holder of Lark 1700.
There is no compatibility between the Rod Holders of other Lark-series products and the Rod Holder of base-mounting type Lark-series products.
* If you attach the Rod Holder of Lark 1700 to the vise of the Light Lark, the line hook part will interfere at the time of folding.