
We can not accept your order from some countries at present because international post services are stopped due to COVID19 . If you can not choose your country during the order process, it means that the international post services do not accept the parcel to your country at the moment. Thank you for your kind understanding.

Super Tsuno Mat 400

LARK鱼竿支架完全固定橡胶、防Tsuno(Squid Lure)缠绕用垫、放置铅坠格,一物多用

可设置在LARK鱼竿支架的左右任一边,在旧型号的Tsuno(Squid Lure)垫上加了W牙刷,可简单清洁Tsuno(Squid Lure)的脏污。

Super Tsuno Mat 400  ¥2,800(JPY)

LARK鱼竿支架完全固定橡胶、防Tsuno(Squid Lure)缠绕用垫、放置铅坠格,一物多用

可设置在LARK鱼竿支架的左右任一边,在旧型号的Tsuno(Squid Lure)垫上加了W牙刷,可简单清洁Tsuno(Squid Lure)的脏污。

●重量:428g (含牙刷2根)
用2根牙刷瞬间清除Tsuno(Squid Lure)的脏污!

请将专用超级Tsuno(Squid Lure)垫400放置在LARK鱼竿支架夹钳下方,旋紧夹钳螺丝。
LARK鱼竿支架被固定得更牢固,超级Tsuno(Squid Lure)垫400不会位移。
超级Tsuno(Squid Lure)垫400可设置在LARK鱼竿支架的左右任一边。
松掉Main Line即可看到钓上来的乌贼。
一边提线,一边将鱼钩挂在超级Tsuno(Squid Lure)垫400上,回收钓具时无需Get Away,直接收好,就能轻松开始钓下一竿。
We can not accept your order from some countries at present because international post services are stopped due to COVID19 . If you can not choose your country during the order process, it means that the international post services do not accept the parcel to your country at the moment. Thank you for your kind understanding.
款号 商品名 价格(不含税) 数量 加入购物车 部件
04175 Super Tsuno Mat 400  ¥2,800(JPY)
  • 送料について
  • ・「代金引き換え」の場合、代引き手数料330円(税込)がかかります。
  • ・3,300円(税込)以上ご購入の場合、送料、代引き手数料が無料となります。
  • 詳しくはコチラ
