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A multi-picking tool provided with a worm grip, jig eye line-through hole, and line cutter makes it possible to set the Triple Eight Knot and the 3.5 Knot with ease and quickly.

Pickers Black ¥1,900(JPY)

A multi-picking tool provided with a worm grip, jig eye line-through hole, and line cutter makes it possible to set the Triple Eight Knot and the 3.5 Knot with ease and quickly.

● Size: 106 × 23 × 15 mm
● Weight: 19 g
● Accessory: Preliminary JIG EYE Line Pickerx1 and dedicated driver x 1
Triple Eight Knot & 3.5 Knot
● Triple Eight Knot
1) Close the tip of each picker and pass it through a ring of approximately 1 cm made by overlapping the line and leader line.
2) Open the tip in the ring and make three turns.
3) After that, pinch the line and the leader line to pass through the ring.
4) Tighten the lines slowly, further tighten the line and the leader line, and cut the redundant lines.
(When tightening, wet the line with saliva)

● 3.5 Knot
1) Pass the tip of the pickers through a ring made by overlapping the line and leader line.
2) Pinch and pull out the two lines. Repeat step 2) three times.
(Easier if the overlapping part re-grabbed each time)
3) Extract only the line once more.
4) Tighten the lines slowly, further tighten the line and the leader line, and cut the redundant lines.
(When tightening, wet the line with saliva)
3D view
Drag the mouse sideways on the image to rotate the image.
Drag the mouse sideways on the image to rotate the image.

Video clip

We can not accept your order from some countries at present because international post services are stopped due to COVID19 . If you can not choose your country during the order process, it means that the international post services do not accept the parcel to your country at the moment. Thank you for your kind understanding.
Product No Product name Price
(excluding tax)
quantity To shopping cart parts
32157 Pickers Black ¥1,900(JPY)
32158 Pickers Foliage Green ¥1,900(JPY)
32159 Pickers Dark Earth ¥1,900(JPY)
  • 送料について
  • ・「代金引き換え」の場合、代引き手数料330円(税込)がかかります。
  • ・3,300円(税込)以上ご購入の場合、送料、代引き手数料が無料となります。
  • 詳しくはコチラ
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